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Clan Scoreboard

Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting) Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting)

Most unique deaths Most unique deaths

Clan Clan Points Rank
SurlyDinos 476 4.00 1
TeamFountain 292 3.00 2
teamsplat 290 2.00 3
Gandalfs_illegal_fireworks 244 0.51 4
TransOnTrains 168 0.35 5
SmileMold 158 0.33 6
DeepCavernGoobs 130 0.27 7
TheSplendorOfYendor 122 0.26 8
Gehennomnomnom 56 0.12 9
wizardsofyonder 41 0.09 10
demilichens 19 0.04 11
spaceMonsters 17 0.04 12
ShouldHaveBecomeGardeners 12 0.03 13
The_Bloodhide_Brotherhood 12 0.03 13
R.U.R. 11 0.02 14
ComboCrew 8 0.02 15
Gunkers 3 0.01 16
SlimeMoldConnoisseurs 2 0.00 17
Ducklings 1 0.00 18
TeamSoloSelfFound 1 0.00 18

Most ascensions in a 24 hour period Most ascensions in a 24 hour period

Most variant/trophy combinations Most variant/trophy combinations

Most Medusa kills Most Medusa kills

Most games with all conducts broken Most games with all conducts broken

Clan Clan Points Rank
DeepCavernGoobs 19 4.00 1
SurlyDinos 17 3.00 2
teamsplat 15 2.00 3
TeamFountain 12 0.63 4
Gandalfs_illegal_fireworks 8 0.42 5
TransOnTrains 6 0.32 6
SmileMold 2 0.11 7
TheSplendorOfYendor 2 0.11 7
wizardsofyonder 1 0.05 8