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Some boring post tournament statistics


242 players registered on the server,
198 linked their account with the public servers,
and 183 actually played at least one game.


18 400 games were played on 9 public servers during the tournament by registered users,
28 645 were played by all players including those not taking part in the tournament.
Junethack games accounted for 64.2% of all games played during the tournament period.


55 different players ascended a total of 159 games.
NetHack 3.6.7 50 (31.4%)
NetHack 3.7.0 29 (18.2%)
NetHack 3.4.3 12 (7.5%)
notnotdNetHack 11 (6.9%)
NetHack4 11 (6.9%)
dNetHack 10 (6.3%)
EvilHack 9 (5.7%)
xNetHack 8 (5.0%)
GnollHack 4 (2.5%)
notdNetHack 3 (1.9%)
AceHack 3 (1.9%)
UnNetHack 2 (1.3%)
SlashTHEM 2 (1.3%)
Slash'EM 2 (1.3%)
NetHack Fourk 1 (0.6%)
DynaHack 1 (0.6%)
NetHack 1.3d 1 (0.6%)
Total 159 (100.0%)

Start scummed games

14 905 games were start scummed by Junethack players,
25 778 games were start scummed in total.
31PwnMoat 8 911 (59.8%)
hecatonheir 5 077 (34.1%)
NoPanic 246 (1.7%)
predakanga 141 (0.9%)
Demo 139 (0.9%)
DragonSidedD 115 (0.8%)
lapis 61 (0.4%)
smurphy 43 (0.3%)
Rossumovi 26 (0.2%)
riker 18 (0.1%)
Total 14 777 (99.1%)
These 10 players accounted for 57.3% of all start scummed games during the tournament period.

Medusa kills

Medusa was killed in 323 games.
Role Race Kills
Ana Dwa 59 (18.3%)
Val Dwa 57 (17.6%)
Val Hum 29 (9.0%)
Sam Hum 15 (4.6%)
Tou Hum 14 (4.3%)
Wiz Elf 13 (4.0%)
Bar Hum 10 (3.1%)
Mon Hum 10 (3.1%)
Wiz Hum 7 (2.2%)
Bar Orc 6 (1.9%)
The 10 most used role/race combinations account for 68.1% of all Medusa kills.

Tournament games by variant

NetHack 3.7.0 4 196 (22.8%)
NetHack 3.6.7 3 773 (20.5%)
SpliceHack 1 513 (8.2%)
HackEM 1 384 (7.5%)
dNetHack 1 009 (5.5%)
xNetHack 937 (5.1%)
EvilHack 925 (5.0%)
notnotdNetHack 577 (3.1%)
UnNetHack 549 (3.0%)
NetHack 3.4.3 527 (2.9%)
notdNetHack 520 (2.8%)
GruntHack 469 (2.5%)
Slash'EM 340 (1.8%)
NetHack4 302 (1.6%)
AceHack 296 (1.6%)
DynaHack 238 (1.3%)
FIQHack 232 (1.3%)
NetHack 1.3d 186 (1.0%)
GnollHack 141 (0.8%)
SlashTHEM 138 (0.8%)
SporkHack 78 (0.4%)
NetHack Fourk 70 (0.4%)
Total 18 400 (100.0%)

Tournament games by server

Server 6 935 (37.7%) 5 212 (28.3%) 3 773 (20.5%) 2 466 (13.4%) 8 (0.0%) 6 (0.0%)
Total 18 400 (100.0%)