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Some boring post tournament statistics


0 players registered on the server,
0 linked their account with the public servers,
and 0 actually played at least one game.


0 games were played on 9 public servers during the tournament by registered users,
0 were played by all players including those not taking part in the tournament.
Junethack games accounted for NaN% of all games played during the tournament period.


0 different players ascended a total of 0 games.
Total 0 (100.0%)

Start scummed games

0 games were start scummed by Junethack players,
0 games were start scummed in total.
Total 0 (NaN%)
These 10 players accounted for NaN% of all start scummed games during the tournament period.

Medusa kills

Medusa was killed in 0 games.
Role Race Kills
The 0 most used role/race combinations account for NaN% of all Medusa kills.

Tournament games by variant

Total 0 (100.0%)

Tournament games by server

Total 0 (100.0%)