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Some boring post tournament statistics


294 players registered on the server,
231 linked their account with the public servers,
and 210 actually played at least one game.


9 753 games were played on 10 public servers during the tournament by registered users,
20 194 were played by all players including those not taking part in the tournament.
Junethack games accounted for 48.3% of all games played during the tournament period.


72 different players ascended a total of 209 games.
NetHack 3.7.0 71 (34.0%)
NetHack 3.6.6 53 (25.4%)
dNetHack 14 (6.7%)
xNetHack 13 (6.2%)
NetHack4 10 (4.8%)
NetHack 3.4.3 10 (4.8%)
UnNetHack 7 (3.3%)
DynaHack 6 (2.9%)
NetHack Fourk 4 (1.9%)
GruntHack 3 (1.4%)
EvilHack 3 (1.4%)
SpliceHack 2 (1.0%)
Slash'EM 2 (1.0%)
notdNetHack 2 (1.0%)
GnollHack 2 (1.0%)
FIQHack 2 (1.0%)
dNetHack SLEX 2 (1.0%)
NetHack 1.3d 2 (1.0%)
SporkHack 1 (0.5%)
Total 209 (100.0%)

Start scummed games

170 488 games were start scummed by Junethack players,
246 018 games were start scummed in total.
tinklebeer 85 585 (50.2%)
tinkleblessed 27 681 (16.2%)
tinkleblast 16 849 (9.9%)
tinklebreakfast 13 767 (8.1%)
aoei 7 665 (4.5%)
tinklebest 7 178 (4.2%)
tinklebees 5 858 (3.4%)
31PwnMoat 3 259 (1.9%)
rebatela 643 (0.4%)
owfnteiawyuftn 548 (0.3%)
Total 169 033 (99.1%)
These 10 players accounted for 68.7% of all start scummed games during the tournament period.

Medusa kills

Medusa was killed in 314 games.
Role Race Kills
Val Dwa 65 (20.7%)
Mon Hum 23 (7.3%)
Val Hum 22 (7.0%)
Bar Hum 20 (6.4%)
Wiz Elf 19 (6.1%)
Sam Hum 18 (5.7%)
Bar Orc 12 (3.8%)
Rog Orc 9 (2.9%)
Wiz Hum 9 (2.9%)
Ran Orc 8 (2.5%)
The 10 most used role/race combinations account for 65.3% of all Medusa kills.

Tournament games by variant

NetHack 3.6.6 2 366 (24.3%)
NetHack 3.7.0 2 049 (21.0%)
SpliceHack 1 150 (11.8%)
EvilHack 746 (7.6%)
NetHack 3.4.3 471 (4.8%)
dNetHack 460 (4.7%)
xNetHack 455 (4.7%)
UnNetHack 346 (3.5%)
NetHack Fourk 233 (2.4%)
Slash'EM Extended 193 (2.0%)
NetHack4 192 (2.0%)
Slash'EM 190 (1.9%)
GruntHack 189 (1.9%)
NetHack 1.3d 155 (1.6%)
FIQHack 154 (1.6%)
notdNetHack 145 (1.5%)
DynaHack 115 (1.2%)
SporkHack 59 (0.6%)
GnollHack 55 (0.6%)
dNetHack SLEX 30 (0.3%)
Total 9 753 (100.0%)

Tournament games by server

Server 5 526 (56.7%) 2 313 (23.7%) 1 564 (16.0%) 169 (1.7%) 94 (1.0%) 36 (0.4%) 27 (0.3%) 19 (0.2%) 5 (0.1%)
Total 9 753 (100.0%)