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Most logarithmic points Most logarithmic points

Clan Clan Points Rank
bothack 7190 4.0 1
teamsplat 3339 3.0 2
overcaffeinated 2688 2.0 3
deminewts 2549 0.35 4
Dropped_Cookies 2101 0.29 5
ItExplodes 1241 0.17 6
GoonsInJune 486 0.07 7
SmileMold 400 0.06 8
dingdongpingpong 353 0.05 9
Urdnot 158 0.02 10
OmeletteDuFromage 157 0.02 11
GoTeamVenture 91 0.01 12
Cornhuskers 75 0.01 13
OldSkul 64 0.01 14
BittenByAKitten 47 0.01 15
ClanAwesome 36 0.01 16
fwilclan 6 0.0 17
SocialSuccubi 5 0.0 18

Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting) Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting)

Clan Clan Points Rank
ItExplodes 23 4.0 1
teamsplat 23 4.0 1
deminewts 11 3.0 2
GoonsInJune 8 2.0 3
Dropped_Cookies 6 0.26 4
overcaffeinated 6 0.26 4
bothack 4 0.17 5
BittenByAKitten 2 0.09 6
SmileMold 2 0.09 6
GoTeamVenture 1 0.04 7
Urdnot 1 0.04 7
dingdongpingpong 1 0.04 7

Most unique deaths Most unique deaths

Clan Clan Points Rank
overcaffeinated 822 4.0 1
teamsplat 716 3.0 2
deminewts 412 2.0 3
Dropped_Cookies 309 0.38 4
ItExplodes 294 0.36 5
bothack 238 0.29 6
GoonsInJune 103 0.13 7
dingdongpingpong 89 0.11 8
SmileMold 77 0.09 9
OmeletteDuFromage 61 0.07 10
Urdnot 50 0.06 11
GoTeamVenture 29 0.04 12
Cornhuskers 23 0.03 13
OldSkul 18 0.02 14
ClanAwesome 11 0.01 15
fwilclan 11 0.01 15
BittenByAKitten 10 0.01 16
SocialSuccubi 1 0.0 17

Most ascensions in a 24 hour period Most ascensions in a 24 hour period

Clan Clan Points Rank
teamsplat 7 4.0 1
overcaffeinated 5 3.0 2
ItExplodes 3 2.0 3
bothack 3 2.0 3
Dropped_Cookies 2 0.29 4
GoonsInJune 2 0.29 4
deminewts 2 0.29 4
BittenByAKitten 1 0.14 5
GoTeamVenture 1 0.14 5
SmileMold 1 0.14 5
Urdnot 1 0.14 5
dingdongpingpong 1 0.14 5

Most variant/trophy combinations Most variant/trophy combinations

Clan Clan Points Rank
ItExplodes 119 4.0 1
teamsplat 79 3.0 2
GoonsInJune 75 2.0 3
Dropped_Cookies 70 0.59 4
overcaffeinated 66 0.55 5
deminewts 60 0.5 6
SmileMold 21 0.18 7
BittenByAKitten 16 0.13 8
dingdongpingpong 15 0.13 9
OldSkul 13 0.11 10
GoTeamVenture 12 0.1 11
Urdnot 12 0.1 11
bothack 12 0.1 11
ClanAwesome 2 0.02 12
OmeletteDuFromage 2 0.02 12
SocialSuccubi 1 0.01 13

Most Medusa kills Most Medusa kills

Clan Clan Points Rank
bothack 60 4.0 1
teamsplat 35 3.0 2
ItExplodes 26 2.0 3
deminewts 19 0.32 4
GoonsInJune 15 0.25 5
Dropped_Cookies 12 0.2 6
overcaffeinated 6 0.1 7
dingdongpingpong 4 0.07 8
SmileMold 3 0.05 9
Urdnot 3 0.05 9
BittenByAKitten 2 0.03 10
GoTeamVenture 2 0.03 10
OldSkul 2 0.03 10

Most games with all conducts broken Most games with all conducts broken

Clan Clan Points Rank
teamsplat 21 4.0 1
deminewts 6 3.0 2
ItExplodes 4 2.0 3
overcaffeinated 4 2.0 3
GoonsInJune 2 0.1 4
SmileMold 2 0.1 4
BittenByAKitten 1 0.05 5
Dropped_Cookies 1 0.05 5