
Rank: 6
Clan Points: 0.67

Clan trophies

Clan members

Player Role User trophies Last game played (UTC)
Coredo member 20 2012-06-21 20:19
Muad member 19 2012-06-28 10:52
deffi admin 6 2012-06-16 19:19

Clan Points Summary

Trophy Clan Points Rank
Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting) 3 0.07 6
Most ascensions in a 24 hour period 1 0.11 5
Most points 15559339 0.0 5
Most unique deaths 42 0.16 8
Most variant/trophy combinations 43 0.33 4

Ascended combinations

Variant Role Race Alignment Gender
NetHack 3.4.3 Sam Hum Law Mal
NetHack 3.4.3 Mon Hum Neu Fem
SporkHack Pri Dwa Law Mal

42 unique deaths

Unique death
killed by Ms. Kinnegad, the shopkeeper
killed by a Woodland-elf
killed by a bolt of cold
killed by a bolt of lightning
killed by a dwarf
killed by a dwarf king
killed by a dwarf mummy
killed by a falling object
killed by a fox
killed by a giant ant
killed by a giant beetle
killed by a giant spider
killed by a gnome
killed by a gnome lord
killed by a gnome zombie
killed by a hobbit
killed by a kobold zombie
killed by a leocrotta
killed by a little dog
killed by a newt
killed by a pony
killed by a priest of Kos
killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching
killed by a sergeant
killed by a small mimic
killed by a soldier
killed by a soldier ant
killed by a spotted jelly
killed by a vampire bat
killed by a watch captain
killed by a white unicorn
killed by an energy vortex
killed by an ice troll
killed by an ochre jelly
killed by an owlbear
killed by brainlessness
killed by using a magical horn on eirself
petrified by a cockatrice
zapped eirself with a spell