This is the NetHack Cross-Variant Summer Tournament. It runs annually during June.
NetHack is a classic roguelike game. If you don't what that is, try using a Google search.
You can check out tournament rules from the rules page.
There is a list of available trophies and competitions on the trophies page.
This tournament utilizes existing public NetHack servers, such as There are servers in both sides of the Atlantic for low latencies. People not living in Europe or Americas may find it harder to find a low latency server.
Our points of contact are the #junethack IRC channel on the Freenode IRC network and newsgroup.
This website and the underlying software has been developed by the people listed in the authors file.
If you want to support the developers of this site you can
help cover the hosting costs using Flattr.
The software this server runs on is publicly available at GitHub. The licenses and other information is contained within the git repository.