
Rank: 8
Clan Points: 0.49

Clan trophies

Clan members

Player Role User trophies Last game played (UTC)
ceb member 8 2012-06-27 23:40
damerell admin 20 2012-06-20 22:24

Clan Points Summary

Trophy Clan Points Rank
Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting) 1 0.02 8
Most ascensions in a 24 hour period 1 0.11 5
Most points 4037527 0.0 9
Most unique deaths 38 0.15 10
Most variant/trophy combinations 27 0.21 6

Ascended combinations

Variant Role Race Alignment Gender
NetHack 3.4.3 Val Dwa Law Fem

38 unique deaths

Unique death
died of starvation
killed by a Woodland-elf
killed by a bolt of fire
killed by a brown mold
killed by a crossbow bolt
killed by a dwarf
killed by a fire ant
killed by a fox
killed by a giant ant
killed by a gnome king
killed by a gnome lord
killed by a hill orc
killed by a homunculus
killed by a housecat
killed by a jackal
killed by a killer bee
killed by a kitten
killed by a leprechaun
killed by a little dog
killed by a magic missile
killed by a minotaur
killed by a mountain centaur
killed by a pony
killed by a rope golem
killed by a rothe
killed by a sergeant
killed by a small mimic
killed by a soldier ant
killed by a water demon
killed by a werejackal
killed by a winter wolf cub
killed by a wolf
killed by an imp
turned to slime by a green slime
zapped eirself with a wand
zombified by a kobold zombie