
Rank: 11
Clan Points: 0.15

Clan trophies

Clan members

Player Role User trophies Last game played (UTC)
Conmused member 0 2012-06-08 21:12
GTFShadow member 0 2012-06-08 13:43
Squigs admin 0 2012-06-02 00:19
lanew member 0 2012-06-05 17:52

Clan Points Summary

Trophy Clan Points Rank
Most ascended variant/role/race/alignment/gender combinations (starting) 0 0.0 9
Most ascensions in a 24 hour period 0 0.0 6
Most points 138841 0.0 11
Most unique deaths 39 0.15 9
Most variant/trophy combinations 0 0.0 11

Ascended combinations

Variant Role Race Alignment Gender

39 unique deaths

Unique death
died of starvation
fell onto a sink
killed by a black pudding
killed by a bolt of fire
killed by a burning scroll
killed by a cave spider
killed by a dingo
killed by a dwarf
killed by a fox
killed by a gas spore's explosion
killed by a giant ant
killed by a giant bat
killed by a giant beetle
killed by a giant rat
killed by a giant spider
killed by a gnome
killed by a goblin
killed by a jackal
killed by a kitten
killed by a quasit
killed by a rabid rat
killed by a rope golem
killed by a sewer rat
killed by a small mimic
killed by a soldier ant
killed by a tiger
killed by a water demon
killed by a water elemental
killed by a water moccasin
killed by a werejackal
killed by a white unicorn
killed by an iguana
killed by an incubus
killed by an unsuccessful polymorph
killed by contaminated water
killed by the wrath of Set
poisoned by an orcish arrow