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Some boring post tournament statistics


217 players registered on the server,
179 linked their account with the public servers,
and 166 actually played at least one game.


10 344 games were played on 8 public servers during the tournament by registered users,
21 866 were played by all players including those not taking part in the tournament.
Junethack games accounted for 47.3% of all games played during the tournament period.


66 different players ascended a total of 190 games.
NetHack 3.6.6 40 (21.1%)
NetHack 3.7.0 34 (17.9%)
NetHack4 16 (8.4%)
NetHack 3.4.3 16 (8.4%)
dNetHack 13 (6.8%)
Slash'EM 12 (6.3%)
notdNetHack 10 (5.3%)
xNetHack 7 (3.7%)
SlashTHEM 7 (3.7%)
EvilHack 7 (3.7%)
UnNetHack 6 (3.2%)
GruntHack 5 (2.6%)
GnollHack 4 (2.1%)
DynaHack 4 (2.1%)
SpliceHack 3 (1.6%)
SporkHack 2 (1.1%)
NetHack 1.3d 2 (1.1%)
NetHack Fourk 1 (0.5%)
FIQHack 1 (0.5%)
Total 190 (100.0%)

Start scummed games

5 457 games were start scummed by Junethack players,
29 326 games were start scummed in total.
31PwnMoat 3 444 (63.1%)
spiced 681 (12.5%)
hackemslashem 418 (7.7%)
crunchbubba 231 (4.2%)
PetraKelly 154 (2.8%)
abacus66 122 (2.2%)
Som 78 (1.4%)
shadowrider38 77 (1.4%)
Demo 39 (0.7%)
dgoddard 36 (0.7%)
Total 5 280 (96.8%)
These 10 players accounted for 18.0% of all start scummed games during the tournament period.

Medusa kills

Medusa was killed in 310 games.
Role Race Kills
Val Dwa 82 (26.5%)
Mon Dop 32 (10.3%)
Val Hum 30 (9.7%)
Mon Hum 17 (5.5%)
Sam Hum 15 (4.8%)
Bar Hum 13 (4.2%)
Wiz Elf 10 (3.2%)
Pri Hum 9 (2.9%)
Tou Hum 8 (2.6%)
Bar Orc 7 (2.3%)
The 10 most used role/race combinations account for 71.9% of all Medusa kills.

Tournament games by variant

NetHack 3.6.6 2 439 (23.6%)
NetHack 3.7.0 2 082 (20.1%)
SpliceHack 1 155 (11.2%)
EvilHack 770 (7.4%)
NetHack 3.4.3 550 (5.3%)
FIQHack 414 (4.0%)
dNetHack 408 (3.9%)
Slash'EM 380 (3.7%)
xNetHack 345 (3.3%)
SlashTHEM 335 (3.2%)
notdNetHack 335 (3.2%)
UnNetHack 321 (3.1%)
NetHack4 176 (1.7%)
GruntHack 132 (1.3%)
NetHack 1.3d 131 (1.3%)
GnollHack 112 (1.1%)
SporkHack 107 (1.0%)
DynaHack 91 (0.9%)
NetHack Fourk 61 (0.6%)
Total 10 344 (100.0%)

Tournament games by server

Server 6 162 (59.6%) 2 439 (23.6%) 1 505 (14.5%) 234 (2.3%) 2 (0.0%) 2 (0.0%)
Total 10 344 (100.0%)