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Last 12 Games played

Name Points Killer Time (UTC)
Elronnd 311737 quit 2018-06-30 21:27
dizzylizzy 5848 killed by a monster (mountain ogre) 2018-06-16 02:12
Elronnd 28604 killed by a monster (dopefish) 2018-06-12 06:24
Elronnd 92980 killed by a monster (invisible Levistus), while sleeping 2018-06-10 06:47
Elronnd 1206 quit 2018-06-10 04:07
bugsniper 72 quit 2018-06-03 00:11
bugsniper 40 quit 2018-06-03 00:03
bugsniper 6301 quit 2018-06-03 00:00
bugsniper 574 killed by a monster (ecstasy worm) 2018-06-02 22:38
Elronnd 124934 killed by being consumed by the contamination 2018-06-02 07:08
Elronnd 11317 quit 2018-06-01 05:23
dizzylizzy 10337 killed by a monster (highschool eel) 2018-06-01 02:37