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Achievements for dNetHack

There are 58 achievements tracked for dNetHack in the Junethack tournament.


entered Astral Plane

entered Elemental Planes

obtained the Amulet of Yendor

performed the Invocation Ritual

obtained the Book of the Dead

obtained the Bell of Opening

obtained the Candelabrum of Invocation

entered Gehennom

defeated Medusa

obtained the luckstone from the Mines

obtained the Sokoban Prize

escaped in celestial disgrace

That was the easy one (obtained at least one alignment key)

Through the gates of Gehennom (obtained at least three alignment keys)

Those were for replay value... (obtained all nine alignment keys)

No budget for bribes (killed Asmodeus)

Postulate Proven (killed Demogorgon, thereby proving the Lord British Postulate (if it has stats, we can kill it))

King of dNethack: Ascend a game with all the new races/roles in dNethack

Prince of dNethack: Ascend a game with half the new races/roles in dNethack

dNethack Tour: Played a game (at least 1000 turns) with all the shiny new races/roles in dNethack

No fate (Ascended an Anachrononaut and saved the future)

The other side of the sky (Ascended a Binder)

Deus ex machina (Ascended a clockwork automaton)

Bat outa hell (Ascended a chiropteran)

Ascended a yuki-onna

Three halves (Ascended a half-dragon)

Second thoughts (Completed a drow shared quest loyally before completing the traitor's quest)

Illuminated (Learned every word of creation and accumulated 30 passive syllable bonuses)

Exodus (Ascended with a pet android commander or opperator android)

Super Fighting Robot (Acquried all clockwork upgrades (except high-tension spring))

Hunter of Nightmares (Defeated at least one of each of the secret insight bosses)

Two Keys (Ascended having only touched two alignment keys)

Quite Mad (Suffered from at least 6 madnesses)

Booze Hound (Maxed out your drunkard score by drinking at least 90 potions of booze)

Completed the revised archeologist quest

Serpent slayer (Completed the revised caveman quest)

Sentence commuted (Completed the revised convict quest)

Completed the revised knight quest

Completed the anachrononaut quest

Glory to mankind (Completed the android quest)

33 spirits (Completed the binder quest)

Not so inconceivable (Completed the pirate quest)

Not so spoony (Completed the bard quest)

Rebellion crushed (Completed the base noble quest)

Family drama (Completed the hedrow noble quest)

On agency (Completed the hedrow shared quest)

Foreshadowing (Completed the drow noble quest)

Old friends (Completed the drow shared quest)

Durin's Bane's Bane (Completed the dwarf noble quest)

Battle of (5-4) armies (Completed the dwarf knight quest)

Completed the gnome ranger quest

Driven out (Completed the elf shared quest)

Completed the law quest

Key to the (corpse) city (Completed the neutral quest)

Asinine paradigm (Completed the chaos temple quest)

Chasing after the wind (Completed the mithardir quest)

Completed the mordor quest